Philharmonischer Chor Berlin

Corporate Design

The Phil­har­monic Choir Berlin is one of the most renowned or­a­to­rio choirs in Ger­many. For the 125th an­niver­sary, the tra­di­tional choir, founded in 1882, pre­sented it­self with a new look de­signed by Moni­teurs. Af­ter the 2007/​2008 sea­son, among other things, the posters of the con­cert se­ries in the Berliner Phil­har­monie Moni­teurs are in­di­vid­u­ally de­signed, Moni­teurs de­vel­oped in the course of the 2017/​2018 sea­son, a re­design of vi­sual com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools, which now the self-un­der­stand­ing of the choir – ana­log and dig­i­tal – into the city life trans­fers. Ty­pog­ra­phy and color trans­late the mood of the choral pieces vi­su­ally and make them vi­su­ally sound. The poly­phonic texts are at the cen­ter of the de­sign con­cept.

Phil­har­monis­cher Chor Berlin
Cor­po­rate De­sign

An­niver­sary book with CD


Phil­har­monis­cher Chor Berlin e.V.
since 2007
Re­launch Cor­po­rate De­sign and Web­site 2017/​18


iF com­mu­ni­ca­tion de­sign award 2008
Cor­po­rate De­sign Preis 2008, gold
De­sign­preis der Bun­desre­pub­lik Deutsch­land 2010
Berliner Type Award 2018, Prize Poster se­ries
On the posters sung text pas­sages from the in­ter­preted works are set in mul­ti­ple voices ac­cord­ing to the no­ta­tion and brought into ty­po­graphic con­stel­la­tions and over­lays, the lan­guage be­gins to sound vi­su­ally. The am­bigu­ously in­ter­pretable syl­la­bles taken from the text pas­sages com­bine with the piece in­for­ma­tion to form a strik­ing vi­sual en­tity.
A book was pub­lished to cel­e­brate the 125th an­niver­sary. The ac­com­pa­ny­ing CD con­tains record­ings from 80 years of choral his­tory.