Philharmonischer Chor Berlin


One of the most renowned Ger­man or­a­to­rio choirs has a new in­ter­net pres­ence: the web­site, cre­ated af­ter the cor­po­rate de­sign de­vel­oped by Moni­teurs, gives vi­sual, his­tor­i­cal and acoustic in­sights into the work of the tra­di­tion-rich choir. Large-for­mat im­ages, in­tense colours and ty­pog­ra­phy as a cen­tral de­sign el­e­ment con­vey not only the con­tem­po­rary rel­e­vance of the work, but also the power, live­li­ness and va­ri­ety of the choir.

The site is run through a con­tent-man­age­ment sys­tem. A lot of ed­i­to­r­ial con­tent, such as news or fu­ture con­certs, en­sured that our mis­sion was not only to adapt the sys­tem to the vis­i­tors, but also to the needs of the choir mem­bers. An in­te­grated pro­tected area for or­gan­is­ing the choir – for ex­am­ple, the plan­ning of re­hearsals, the cre­ation of sur­veys or the shar­ing of in­ter­nal pic­ture gal­leries – meets these de­mands.

Phil­har­mo­ni­scher Chor Ber­lin

zur Web­sei­te

Cor­po­rate De­sign
An­niver­sary Book with CD Posters

Phil­har­monis­cher Chor Berlin e.V.
since 2007
Re­launch of Cor­po­rate De­sign
and Web­site 2017/​18
The in­te­grated newslet­ter, do­na­tion or sub­scrip­tion forms strengthen the recog­ni­tion value for lis­ten­ers and sup­port­ers of the choir.