
Jewish Garden

Exhibition about competition

In the Gar­dens of the World, a Jew­ish Gar­den will be re­al­ized from Oc­to­ber 2019. With this, all ma­jor world re­li­gions will be rep­re­sented. Grün Berlin has an­nounced a com­pe­ti­tion for the gar­den de­sign and on Oc­to­ber 14, the ac­com­pa­ny­ing ex­hi­bi­tion to the com­pe­ti­tion was opened. The ex­hi­bi­tion, de­signed as a trav­el­ing ex­hi­bi­tion, was con­ceived and de­signed by Moni­teurs. Al­ready in 2017, Moni­teurs de­signed and im­ple­mented an ex­ten­sive ex­hi­bi­tion in the new vis­i­tor cen­ter to the ex­ist­ing gar­dens.
To the project