
Printed and green!

Editorial design by Moniteurs

In close col­lab­o­ra­tion with Al­mut Grün­tuch-Ernst, ar­chi­tect and di­rec­tor of the “In­sti­tute for De­sign and Ar­chi­tec­tural Strate­gies”, the book Hortitecture de­signed by Moni­teurs. Ar­chi­tec­ture and plants – how can you rec­on­cile these ap­par­ent con­tra­dic­tions to plan cities closer to na­ture in the fu­ture? Hor­ti­tec­ture doc­u­ments pro­jects, ideas and ex­pe­ri­ences of 33 in­ter­na­tional ex­perts who have ex­changed sym­posia at the TU Braun­schweig.