
Take Off!

Guest professor in Hangzhou, China

This Au­tumn, Sibylle Schlaich and Heike Nehl are guest pro­fes­sors in China at the Chi­ne­sisch Deutschen Kun­stakademie (Chi­nese Ger­man Acad­emy of the Arts) in Hangzhou. A co­op­er­a­tion pro­ject be­tween the UdK Berlin (Berlin Uni­ver­sity of the Arts) and the CAA (Chi­nese Art Acad­emy), their work con­cerns the sub­ject of air­ports and new cre­ative ap­proaches to vastly dif­fer­ent fields of de­sign. Their lec­tures will in­clude all com­mu­ni­ca­tion me­dia em­ployed at an air­port, in­fo­graph­ics, ori­en­ta­tion sys­tems, the cor­po­rate de­sign of an air­port, the cor­po­rate de­sign of an air­line, dig­i­tal me­dia such as apps, in­fo­graph­ics on the air­field and the graph­i­cal use of space.