
Moniteurs in England

Lecture at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Rea­ding

The De­part­ment of Ty­pog­ra­phy and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Uni­ver­sity of Read­ing in Eng­land reg­u­larly in­vites of­fices to pre­sent their work. Anita Meier-Wal­ter from Moni­teurs is a wel­come guest. The top­ics were the lead sys­tem pro­jects Kun­sthalle Mannheim and Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port. This time the talk with lec­turer Joan Za­la­cain de­vel­oped into a lively dis­cus­sion with the stu­dents about writ­ings, pro­ject du­ra­tion as well as main­te­nance and bud­get of wayfind­ing sys­tems.