
Isotype and beyond

Lecture in the Economic Museum in Vienna

The lec­ture by Sibylle Schlaich is about the de­sign of a gen­der-neu­tral pic­togram. A pic­togram must be un­am­bigu­ous. How­ever, the more ver­sa­tile the mes­sage to be com­mu­ni­cated, the more dif­fi­cult it is to de­sign. The nec­es­sary ab­strac­tion may ne­glect im­por­tant dis­tin­guish­ing fea­tures. In fact, some pic­tograms do not dis­till the es­sen­tials, but seek their unique­ness based on non-es­sen­tial ex­ter­nals. A gen­der-neu­tral pic­togram is a con­tra­dic­tion in terms.