
BMW FIZ Future

Orientation System

Moni­teurs has won the in­ter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion, open by in­vi­ta­tion, to de­sign a new ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem for the en­tire area of the BMW Re­search and In­no­va­tion Cen­tre in Mu­nich. Moni­teurs has now been com­mis­sioned to de­velop a mas­ter con­cept 2050 for ana­logue and dig­i­tal wayfind­ing. The first step should al­ready take place in 2015 – sig­nage of the new con­cept on a ren­o­vated build­ing. Vi­su­al­i­sa­tion: Henn Ar­chitek­ten