
Orientation barrier-free

Pictograms for Fraport Greece

Early this years Fra­port Greece com­pleted the ren­o­va­tion of its 14 Greek air­ports. Pas­sen­gers with re­stricted mo­bil­ity (PRM) rep­re­sent a sig­nif­i­cant, fast-grow­ing de­mo­graphic for air­ports and air­lines. Moni­teurs was asked to de­velop a mod­ern and eas­ily iden­ti­fi­able pic­togram and sig­nage colour scheme for the Fra­port Greece Sig­nage Man­ual that iden­ti­fies PRM-ser­vices such as of­fices, booths, wait­ing ar­eas and spec­i­fied chairs at Fra­port Greece air­ports.