
Signage goes digital

Presentation at Haus Wellensiek

Heike Nehl and Sibylle Schlaich have been in­vited to talk at Haus Wellen­siek in Biele­feld on the 11th of Feb­ru­ary. They will be ask­ing the fol­low­ing ques­tions: how does dig­i­tal me­dia sup­port ori­en­ta­tion and what role does ana­logue in­for­ma­tion play in the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tems of spaces? How can both worlds com­pli­ment each other? Through their work with ori­en­ta­tion sys­tems, the de­sign of­fice wishes to show how rapidly change has been ac­com­plished, not least in the mind of the vis­i­tor/​user.