
DIN Institute in transition

Signage with the font FF DIN

Clar­ity and struc­ture – the new façade en­velops the var­i­ous ex­ist­ing build­ings and serves as a guide­line for ori­en­ta­tion. DIN, the Ger­man In­sti­tute for Stan­dard­iza­tion, the in­de­pen­dent plat­form for stan­dard­iza­tion in Ger­many and world­wide, is be­ing re­built. Moni­teurs de­signs a com­pre­hen­sive guid­ance sys­tem for the build­ing with a new of­fice con­cept. Vi­su­al­isierung: KIM NALLEWEG Ar­chitek­ten