Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Annual Report

The teams of the in­ter­na­tional net­work of Médecins sans Fron­tières work in over 60 coun­tries and help vic­tims in emer­gen­cies. In its an­nual re­port, the well-known re­lief or­gan­i­sa­tion pre­sents its pro­jects, as well as facts and data about its op­er­a­tions. Ex­am­ples are given to ex­plain why and how sup­port is pro­vided. The de­sign, based on a cor­po­rate de­sign con­cept by Moni­teurs, uses colours, ty­pog­ra­phy and im­ages in a way that cre­ates a “read­ing at­mos­phere”, which makes it easy for the reader to en­ter the ma­te­r­ial. The goal of the de­sign is to have lots of in­for­ma­tion that is in­ter­est­ing and easy to dis­cover. For this, data graph­ics were also de­vel­oped.

Médecins sans Fron­tières
Annual Report


Médecins sans Fron­tières, Ger­many since 2000