Face to Face

Corporate Design

Moni­teurs cre­ated the Cor­po­rate De­sign of Face to Face 2011. This con­fer­ence of busi­ness and de­sign took place in Lud­wigs­burg. De­sign­ers and clients met on the podium un­der the motto “In di­a­logue we trust!” to dis­cuss var­i­ous pi­o­neer­ing pro­jects. This year, Por­tu­gal joined Ger­many in host­ing the con­fer­ence. The orig­i­nal de­sign was in­flu­enced by tra­di­tional Por­tugese tile de­signs.

Face to Face
Cor­po­ra­te De­sign

Lud­wigs­burg 2011

Face to Face e.V.
The logo is rem­i­nis­cent of a Por­tuguese tile de­sign.