
Design Talks Business

Lecture at the design festival in Poland

De­sign Talks Busi­ness is a space in which ar­chi­tects, en­tre­pre­neurs, strate­gists, man­agers and de­sign­ers meet and bor­dly go be­yond the lim­its of to­day’s so­lu­tions. The in­creas­ing role of de­sign in busi­ness and the po­ten­tial of the dy­nam­i­cally chang­ing man of the An­thro­pocene era is one of many points of con­tact for busi­ness and de­sign. For this rea­son, 300 par­tic­i­pants will meet on 13 and 14 July 2018 at the Gdy­nia De­sign Days Fes­ti­val in Poland. Based on the theme “er­ror”, more than 20 speak­ers and pre­sen­ters were in­vited to share their in­spi­ra­tions, mis­takes, cases and meth­ods. One speaker is Sibylle Schlaich from Moni­teurs.