
Orange Ocean

Time to change!

The aim of the Or­ange Ocean ini­tia­tive is to raise aware­ness of ma­rine lit­ter caused by plas­tic. Or­ange Ocean con­nects stake­hold­ers from in­dus­try, green tech, re­search and NGOs and sets up a me­dia fo­rum cov­er­ing all rel­e­vant is­sues re­lat­ing to the pro­tec­tion of the oceans in or­der to pro­vide con­sumers with the best pos­si­ble in­for­ma­tion. There­fore, as part of the UN World Oceans Day 2019 on June 8, a global TV and so­cial me­dia event will take place. The pol­lu­tion of the oceans by plas­tic waste is a threat that con­cerns all of us. Moni­teurs con­sulted Or­ange Ocean strate­gi­cally and cre­atively. The ex­e­cu­tion in­cludes the cor­po­rate de­sign, the web­site and fu­ture for­mats.
To the project