Technische Universität Berlin

Bridge Finder

Berlin is short of foot­bridges and yet has so many rivers and other in­ter­est­ing sites that are cry­ing out for a bridge. Work­ing with the Berlin Bridge De­part­ment of the In­sti­tute of Con­cep­tual and Struc­tural De­sign at the TU Berlin, we have iden­ti­fied six cen­tral lo­ca­tions that are typ­i­cal of Berlin, and where foot­bridges are needed. So be­gan the “World’s Foot­bridges for Berlin” pro­ject. Par­tic­i­pants from all over the world sub­mit­ted many cu­ri­ous, in­tel­li­gent, vi­sion­ary foot­bridge de­signs. The pre­cious col­lec­tion of 73 se­lected bridge de­signs are mapped in the mi­crosite “Bridge Finder”, a dig­i­tal com­pass, to ex­plore the con­text of the pro­ject and the city. The “Bridge Finder” first shows the near­est lo­ca­tion and then all other lo­ca­tions with in­for­ma­tion on walk­ing dis­tances. It in­forms the user of the re­spec­tive bridge de­sign and in­vites the user to go for a stroll.

Bridge Finder
Web­site De­sign
Berlin 2017


Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­sität Berlin




An­nual Mul­ti­me­dia Award 2018, sil­ber