Technische Universität Berlin

Building with Carbon

The vi­sion fo­rum “Build­ing with Car­bon” was held at the TU Berlin in the spring of 2014. Lec­tur­ers, en­gi­neers and ar­chi­tects dis­cussed the use of car­bon fi­bres in con­struc­tion. The ma­te­r­ial – light, strong and durable – is still rarely used in this field, but it of­fers many prospects for the fu­ture. Moni­teurs de­signed the ap­pear­ance for this event. The key vi­sual rep­re­sents the is­sue of car­bon: a ma­te­r­ial seem­ingly in mo­tion, while the two colours in the vi­sual are slightly off­set. The ty­pog­ra­phy ra­di­ates a par­tic­u­lar clar­ity and pres­ence.

Build­ing with Car­bon
Cor­po­rate De­sign
Web­site De­sign


Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­sität Berlin


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