Niggli Verlag

Moniteurs 1:1

1:1 – Sig­nage, Ori­en­ta­tion, Iden­tity is a spe­cial book. It not only de­scribes the pro­jects of the last ten years and the way of work­ing of Moni­teurs, but the pro­jects are also graph­i­cally brought into fo­cus: in this way the book shows Moni­teurs’ ori­en­ta­tion sys­tems on a 1 : 1 scale. The con­cepts of in­di­vid­ual pro­jects are pre­sented in short, con­cise texts with many pho­tographs and in­fo­graph­ics, while an in­ter­view with the three own­ers of the com­pany, Heike Nehl, Sibylle Schlaich and Isolde Frey, gives an in­sight into their ap­proach.

1:1 Sig­nage Ori­en­ta­tion Iden­tity
Book De­sign

Nig­gli Ver­lag, Switzer­land

Sul­gen 2013

Moni­teurs GmbH Kom­mu­nika­tions­de­sign