Niggli Verlag

The Berlin Brandenburg Airport Project

In the e-book, Moni­teurs pre­sents the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem for the “Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port.” Four chap­ters ex­plain how the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem re­flects the ar­chi­tec­tural iden­tity of the air­port: “Iden­tity” deals with the ar­chi­tec­ture, the world of colour, and the de­vel­op­ment of font and pic­tograms; “Func­tion” ex­plains how the font is used, which types and sizes are used, and how ori­en­ta­tion at the air­port works for the vis­i­tors and pas­sen­gers. The chap­ter “De­vel­op­ment” shows how the sig­nage and text were tested and man­u­fac­tured, e.g. for read­abil­ity, us­ing test-ste­les. “Be­yond the Ter­mi­nal” shows how the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem af­fects not only the ter­mi­nals them­selves, but also the other build­ings, parts of build­ings and the sur­round­ing ar­eas, the roads to and from the air­port, as well as in­ter­net ac­cess points and flight in­for­ma­tion mon­i­tors. Us­ing a wide ar­ray of im­ages, in­ter­ac­tive graph­ics and videos, the dig­i­tal ver­sion of the book al­lows us to ex­plain every­thing in great de­tail. The e-book is avail­able as iBook and ePub ver­sion.

The Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port Pro­ject


Nig­gli Ver­lag, Schweiz

Sul­gen 2014


Sibylle Schlaich, Heike Nehl


Moni­teurs GmbH Kom­mu­nika­tions­de­sign
Im­ages in the in­tro­duc­tion made by Joachim Brohm.
In the iBook for­mat the dif­fer­ent con­tent-pages move at the bot­tom and sup­port a good overview and quick ac­cess to the chap­ters.
The Ty­pog­ra­phy of the Air­port sig­nage is used in the iBook. For ex­am­ple, the chap­ter des­ig­na­tion is like the Gate Signs.
Is­sues are ex­plained with im­ages and slideshows.
Short films demon­strate the work­ing processes, for exam­ple the pro­duc­tion of the wall-ap­pli­ca­tion in Pier North
The con­tent in the ePub-for­mat is de­signed in a more sim­ple lay­out. It is com­pat­i­ble with dif­ferent an­droid equip­ment and read­able in por­trait and land­scape for­mat.