
POI – Points of Interest

What does the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem of the fu­ture look like? What does it mean when ori­en­ta­tion in­creas­ingly takes place dig­i­tally? And what ben­e­fits, what pos­si­bil­i­ties, does this pro­vide? These are the ques­tions Moni­teurs asked it­self early on, within the frame­work of a self-ini­ti­ated re­search pro­ject in 2007. “Points of In­ter­est” play­fully tests the link be­tween real and vir­tual spaces. Moni­teurs’ of­fice kitchen is pro­jected onto the screen as a vir­tual room. Users choose a di­rec­tion from a se­ries of cards, and are then tracked by a cam­era. They then re­ceive user-spe­cific in­for­ma­tion on the screen, rel­a­tive to their lo­ca­tion. If there are mul­ti­ple peo­ple in the space, then graph­ics and con­tent are over­lapped.

POI – Points of In­te­rest
Re­search Pro­ject

Eu­ro­pean De­sign Awards 2008
Each card con­tains a graphic code that is de­tected and “in­ter­preted” by a cam­era.
Var­i­ous lay­ers su­per­im­posed onto each other in a vir­tual space.
Event poster