
Meeting Indicator

Moni­teurs has grown in re­cent years. More pro­jects, more teams means more meet­ings. With the re­struc­tur­ing of the of­fice spread over two floors, it be­came clear that the meet­ing rooms and their oc­cu­pancy must be bet­ter com­mu­ni­cated for every­one. A team from Moni­teurs de­vel­oped an ob­ject that en­ables bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween the work­space on the up­per floor and the con­fer­ence room in the base­ment. It was to be com­bined anal­o­gously with dig­i­tal and im­ple­mented in 3D print­ing.

Mee­ting In­di­ca­tor
Pro­to­typ­ing und Pro­dukt­de­sign

Ber­lin 2019

Con­fer­ence room and work­sta­tions are on two dif­fer­ent floors. Em­ploy­ees on level 2 do not know if the meet­ing room is free. Also an em­ployee for­gets a meet­ing and meet­ings are de­layed.

Skeuomorphism, a style in which objects imitate the material or shape of other objects, forms the design framework around the concept for the meeting indicator.

The concept idea is a miniature replica of our conference room on whose table a job object can be placed. This object is equipped with an NFC tag (Near Field Communication). An NFC reader installed in the table is connected to a micro controller and sends a message to the slack channel of the corresponding job as soon as the job object is placed on the table.

Un­ser Pro­jekt­team tas­te­te sich mit­hil­fe ver­schie­dens­ter Ma­te­ria­len und Werk­zeu­gen an die Form­fin­dung her­an.
Mit TinkerCAD wurden die Job-Objekte für sieben verschiedene Projekte mit den häufigsten Treffen gestaltet und mit ihren Kürzeln versehen.

Das Zimmermodell bleibt aus Pappe, im Sockel wurden die Schaltkreise installiert . Der „Tisch“ wurde aus transluzenten Material gedruckt, LED Licht wurde integriert und bringt den Tisch zum Leuchten wenn das Job-Objekt aufgelegt wird.