Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA


The BDA (the As­so­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Ar­chi­tects) com­prises around 5,000 free­lance ar­chi­tects and ur­ban plan­ners, who stand for qual­ity and per­sonal in­tegrity and were for these rea­sons called into the as­so­ci­a­tion. It acts at dif­fer­ent lev­els within the Fed­er­a­tion, in state or­gan­i­sa­tions and re­gional groups to pro­mote “the mis­sion” of ar­chi­tec­ture and build­ing cul­ture. The new web­site is in­tended as a com­mon plat­form for these as­so­ci­a­tions and groups. The main con­cern was to show “good” ar­chi­tec­ture – in other words, vi­su­ally strik­ing and at­trac­tive, with a fo­cus on the mul­ti­fac­eted sub­ject of ar­chi­tec­ture. Be­sides its func­tion as an in­for­ma­tion and ex­change plat­form for the in­di­vid­ual mem­bers, it was im­por­tant to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion to the pub­lic, e.g., con­struc­tion clients and ar­chi­tects, on the work of the BDA. The com­plex struc­ture had to be de­signed to be sim­ple and user-friendly. A fur­ther im­por­tant cri­te­rion was that the web­site has to be main­tained by many mem­bers/​​ed­i­tors. A sim­ple con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem was re­quired, with the abil­ity to share con­tent both in­ter­nally as well as ex­ter­nally.

Bund Deutscher Ar­chitek­ten BDA

Berlin 2016



Pro­gram­ming and Tech­ni­cal Sup­port

null2 and BLITZEN

With these factors in mind, and in order to maximise the identity of the website, Moniteurs worked out particular aspects together with the representatives of the various groups over the course of three workshops. The result is a visually engaging, clear and modern website that reflects the competence of an organisation acting throughout Germany.

The BDA regularly gives around 50 awards to architectural designs that have been constructed. This website introduces the numerous awards at the federal, state and group levels. Results, jury members and assessments from recent years are all easily and quickly accessible to the user. A guide enables users to perform targeted searches by location.