
Building Orientation System

The Ober­lin Clinic in Pots­dam is the biggest or­thopaedic clinic in Bran­den­burg. The clin­ic’s four build­ings, with a day clinic and out­pa­tient surgery, re­ceive a high vol­ume of pa­tients, with a cor­re­spond­ingly high need for ori­en­ta­tion. Moni­teurs re­vised the in­for­ma­tion struc­ture from the ground up, and re­designed the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem to main­tain the ex­ist­ing sup­port sys­tem. Vis­i­tors pass through the three main lifts in red and are led to the dif­fer­ent build­ings. A map con­tain­ing only the rel­e­vant ori­en­ta­tion in­for­ma­tion sup­ports vis­i­tors’ spa­tial imag­i­na­tion and makes clear where the pas­sages be­tween the build­ings are. On the lifts them­selves are signs to re­as­sure vis­i­tors that they are on the right path.

Ober­lin Clinic
Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem

Pots­dam 2012


Ober­lin­haus GmbH


4 build­ings
A striking blue surface marks the level in which you are located.