Aufbau Haus

Corporate Design

The Auf­bau Haus, lo­cated in a for­mer fac­tory build­ing, con­nects the cre­ative in­dus­tries with cre­ative artists and ser­vice providers. The Auf­bau Ver­lag Pub­lish­ing House, the or­gan­i­sa­tion which gave the build­ing its name, and Mod­u­lor Ma­te­r­ial To­tal, have made this build­ing their reg­is­tered of­fices. The im­age-based logo es­tab­lishes the build­ing as a space and net­work for cre­ative ac­tiv­i­ties. The logo can also be used in part on fly­ers and on the In­ter­net.

Auf­bau Haus
Cor­po­rate De­sign

Busi­ness Cards


Moritz­platz 1 En­twick­lungs­ge­sellschaft mbH
An overview map shows the lo­ca­tions of all ser­vice providers, shops and of­fices.