Aufbau Haus

Orientation System

Two large com­pa­nies have their head­quar­ters at Auf­bau Haus: the Auf­bau Ver­lag Pub­lish­ing House and Mod­u­lor, a ma­te­ri­al’s provider which, as Planet Mod­u­lor, pro­vides ad­di­tional ser­vices to the cre­ative and craft in­dus­tries in the build­ing. The ar­eas of ac­tiv­ity of the two main ten­ants – writ­ing and ma­te­ri­als – pro­vided the start­ing points for the de­sign of the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem. Moni­teurs’ idea was that the ar­ti­sans of Planet Mod­u­lor should be in­volved in the cre­ation process.

Auf­bau Haus
Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem
Fa­cade and In­te­rior

Berlin 2011

Moritz­platz 1 En­twick­lungs­ge­sellschaft mbH

Clarke und Kuhn freie Ar­chitek­ten BDA

17,500 m²

Eu­ro­pean De­sign Awards 2012
red dot award 2012: com­mu­ni­ca­tion de­sign
Bun­des­de­sign­preis 2012, nom­i­nated
A leg­end and a floor plan en­able vis­i­tors to find the many dif­fer­ent ten­ants in the build­ing com­plex.

The concept of “materialised writing” presents itself in the form of milled lines on laminated plates. The individual lines are easily replaceable and can be exchanged whenever the tenants change. They can be combined with graceful three-dimensional signs on the wall. Thus, despite the variety of tenants, the design carries an overriding appearance that gives the building its own identity.

The min­i­mal­ist black and white con­trast is cre­ated with a white coat­ing on black ma­te­r­ial, with the up­per­most layer (here un­der­lined) par­tially milled.
The three-di­men­sional ap­pear­ance of the text on the walls and glass ty­po­graph­i­cally pro­jects the shadow ef­fect of milled signs.
The fa­cade was also in­cluded in the de­sign of the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem. The two main ten­ants are equally rep­re­sented on the fa­cade with large-scale, three-di­men­sional text.