Aufbau Haus

Orientation System

The new build­ing, opened in 2015, is an open, flex­i­ble, re­in­forced con­crete frame struc­ture made from sim­ple, ro­bust ma­te­ri­als. The build­ing from ar­chi­tects Barkow Leibinger adds to the first con­struc­tion phase of the cre­ative cen­tre, which con­nects cul­tural ac­tiv­i­ties such as ex­hi­bi­tions, the­atre and club events with nu­mer­ous re­tail and ser­vice com­pa­nies in the cre­ative field. The ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem that was de­vel­oped for Prinzen­straße 85 was adapted to the new build­ing, while re­tain­ing the dis­tinc­tive el­e­ments of the first de­sign. At the main en­trance, large, glazed ori­en­ta­tion signs com­mu­ni­cate the struc­ture of the build­ing. Smaller plaques serve to guide the vis­i­tor to the var­i­ous court­yards and build­ing sec­tions, as well as within the cor­ri­dors of each floor. The name Auf­bau Haus is lit by two large signs – one in the di­rec­tion of Mor­itzplatz, and the other fac­ing Oranien­hof, for events which take place there.

Auf­bau Haus 84
Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem Fa­cade and In­te­rior

Berlin 2016


Moritz­platz 1 En­twick­lungs­ge­sellschaft mbH


Barkow Leibinger


8,335 sqm