Aviation Hackathon


In Au­gust 2017 eight eu­ro­pean air­ports opened parts of their API’s for the Avi­a­tion Hackathon in Berlin to de­ve­l­ope in­no­v­a­tive con­cepts im­prov­ing the pas­sen­ger flow. To­gether with Iab­sis Moni­teurs de­vel­oped an idea for dig­i­tal queu­ing at the se­cu­rity check, which sig­nif­i­cant short­ens wait­ing time for pas­sen­gers at the check points.

Dig­i­tal Book­ing Ser­vice



Team flux re­joiced over win­ning the chal­lenge “Hack the pas­sen­ger jour­ney – Life at the air­port”.

With 64 mil­lion PAX per year, Frank­furt Air­port is Ger­many’s largest com­mer­cial air­port and an im­por­tant hub for in­ter­na­tional air trans­port. In the fu­ture, pas­sen­gers will spend their time on shop­ping or on tak­ing ad­van­tage of the mul­ti­tude of gas­tro­nomic of­fers in­stead of queue­ing at the se­cu­rity con­trol.

Af­ter the Hackathon Iab­sis and Moni­teurs con­ti­nuously so­lid­i­fied their col­lab­o­ra­tion through at­tend­ings at other Hackathons and the ad­vance­ment of flux.
Since Au­gust 2017 flux has been steadily de­vel­oped and was im­ple­mented for a first test run at Fran­kfurt Air­port.