Birkhäuser Verlag AG

Pedestrian bridges

In this book, pub­lished by the “Birkhäuser Ver­lag”, Ur­sula Baus and Mike Schlaich pre­sent from an ar­chi­tec­tural and en­gi­neer­ing point of view: the con­struc­tion, de­sign and his­tory of pedes­trian bridges, with a fo­cus on the one sec­tion of the struc­ture that is re­served only for pedes­tri­ans and cy­clists. The de­sign con­cept is based on the prin­ci­pal of a wash­ing line, cre­at­ing ex­cep­tion­ally strik­ing pages. This in turn re­flects the di­ver­sity of the bridges and the in­di­vid­ual per­cep­tion of these.

Pedes­trian bridges
Book De­sign

Birk­häu­ser Ver­lag AG

Ba­sel 2008

Ul­ri­ke Baus, Mike Schlaich