schlaich bergermann partner


The world renowned en­gi­neer­ing of­fice schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner has pub­lished a se­ries of top­i­cal mag­a­zines. The first is­sue high­lights their work on top­ics re­lated to the sun. Since the 1970s, the of­fice has worked in this field with tech­no­log­i­cal con­cepts, and op­er­ates in an ad­vi­sory ca­pac­ity and as pro­ject man­ager.

Book De­sign

Markus Balz, Thomas Keck, Wolf­gang Schiel, Ger­hard Wein­rebe

schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner
The dust jacket un­folds into a sun poster.
Nu­mer­ous in­fo­graph­ics ex­plain sci­en­tific or tech­ni­cal processes.
Com­par­i­son of po­ten­tial and cur­rent use of re­new­able en­ergy sources.