schlaich bergermann partner

multilayered – engineered variety

The de­sign of the book in many lay­ers, goes hand in hand with the con­tent, which de­scribes the many dif­fer­ent lay­ers with which the en­gi­neers schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner deal and in which they work.

How do the en­gi­neers al­ways man­age to de­liver in­no­v­a­tive and first-class work? A look be­hind the scenes de­scribes this. In ad­di­tion to ex­cit­ing texts and pro­ject de­scrip­tions, the book also pro­vides space for beau­ti­ful, quiet photo se­ries. What it means when en­gi­neers work to­gether with artists is shown in the layer art, for ex­am­ple. Nu­mer­ous works are vividly ex­plored in depth about Aug­mented Re­al­ity.

mul­ti­lay­ered – en­gi­neered va­ri­ety
Ed­i­to­r­ial De­sign



schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner


deutsch und en­glisch




Iconic Awards 2021 – Best of Best

Jury Statement … The fact that the engrossing publication also encompasses the artistic dimension is just as appealing as the up-to-date supplementation with QR codes. These permit an even deeper insight into the work of the office, extending beyond the possibilities of the print medium.
Iconic Award 2021 – Best of Best