
Wayfinding and Information System

As the heart of the In­no­va­tion Cam­pus Lemgo, a new build­ing with nu­mer­ous in­no­va­tion lab­o­ra­to­ries will be erected by au­tumn 2022, in which stu­dents, trainees and crafts­men from dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines will learn and ex­change knowl­edge across in­sti­tu­tional bound­aries.

Moni­teurs de­vel­oped a con­cept for the wayfind­ing and in­for­ma­tion sys­tem in In­no­va­tion­SPIN, with the aim of link­ing the var­i­ous users and play­ers with each other in terms of de­sign and unit­ing them un­der the um­brella of In­no­va­tion­SPIN. The In­no­va­tion­SPIN’s holis­tic user guid­ance sys­tem makes in­no­va­tion vis­i­ble and tan­gi­ble for vis­i­tors.

Con­cept and pre­lim­i­nary de­sign


City of Lemgo Pader­born-Lippe Dis­trict Trade Union Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity OWL


4.221 sqm
Three play­ers, Kreis­handw­erkschaft, Hochschule OWL und Kreis Lippe Bil­dung, will op­er­ate the In­no­va­tion­SPIN in the fu­ture.

Central idea “looping innovation”
Sustainable learning is created through repetition and the connection of what has been learned. InnovationSPIN stands for movement, agility, buoyancy and progress – a place where people network and disciplines merge. The “loop” as a graphic element can be found in all communication and information carriers, whether on the web or in front of the building, it forms a unit, a strong identity for the InnovationSPIN.

The concept for the information system covers four areas: the façade design – digital shop windows, a software for management and communication – SPINSystem, the wayfinding system digital and analogue.

Building analysis
Movement flows and target points form the basis of the concept for the wayfinding system. Hardware for information transfer is roughly positioned at the decision points. This positioning was later used for an approximate assessment of the requirements of the various information carriers.

The SPIN­Sys­tem in­cludes a room book­ing sys­tem for the nu­mer­ous co-work­ing rooms in the build­ing.

Preliminary design wayfinding system
Floor markings of the guidance and orientation system continue the “innovation loop” in the building. The building is highly transparent and accessible via a central open atrium. According to the building analysis, visitors orientate mainly by sight. This requires generous target markings. The implementation of vertical signposts can be avoided as far as possible. A digital level overview in the elevator provides orientation and offers an additional information area for teaching and special events.

Preliminary design of the pictograms, stylistically adapted to the selected IBM Plex font.

Part of the concept is an intelligent system that covers various services and stands behind all digital information carriers.

The SPIN system includes a room booking system for the numerous co-working rooms in the building.