Carlswerk Köln

Wayfinding and Orientation System

In Cologne-Mül­heim, a new lo­ca­tion for cul­ture and econ­omy has been de­vel­op­ing for sev­eral years. The Carl­swerk of­fers a lively mix of busi­ness, ser­vices, gas­tron­omy and cul­ture. The area not only pro­vides the ten­ants, the res­i­dents of the dis­trict, but all vis­i­tors a lively, ex­cit­ing place. The het­ero­ge­neous de­vel­op­ment is sum­ma­rized by the strong wayfind­ing sys­tem. Moni­teurs has di­vided the site into roads and paths that are coded with bold col­ors. The en­trance marks pick up these col­ors, thus en­sur­ing easy ori­en­ta­tion. The spa­tial ori­en­ta­tion plan, shot in the re­spec­tive view­ing di­rec­tion, gives a very good overview, over the wide ter­rain. Pho­tos and texts on “his­tory flags” ex­plain the ex­cit­ing his­tory of the ca­ble plant “Carl­swerk”.

Wayfind­ing and Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem Out­door Area

BEOS AG Nieder­las­sung Rhein-Ruhr
Cologne 2018

125.000 sqm

Ste­fan Schilling
A lively area of old and new build­ings
The typology of the orientation system for the outdoor area includes banners, signposts, a site plan integrated in the seating and entrance signs.
The com­bined el­e­ment of overview plan and bank
Sign­post­ing for cars and pedes­tri­ans
Slen­der en­trance in­di­ca­tors, match­ing the ar­chi­tec­ture, with free space for the ten­ant lo­gos
The colour cod­ing makes it easy to find the com­pa­nies you are look­ing for
In­com­ing sign with com­pany lo­gos
In­com­ing sign with com­pany lo­gos