Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg

Orientation System Outdoor Area

Moni­teurs not only de­signed the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem in­side, but also out­side the build­ing – from the signs for foot pas­sen­gers and cy­clists to the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem for the car parks. The con­sis­tent ap­pli­ca­tion of a sin­gle graphic con­cept cre­ates a uni­form ap­pear­ance for the en­tire air­port site. The pic­togram fam­ily icons were ex­panded to in­clude site-spe­cific lo­ca­tions such as the vis­i­tor cen­tre and the Air­port City.

Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port
Ex­te­rior Area
Pub­lic and re­stricted ar­eas
Pedes­trian and bi­cy­cle sig­nage
Co­or­di­na­tion and traf­fic sig­nage

Berlin 2020


WES Land­schaft­sAr­chitek­tur
Josch Ben­der Land­scape Ar­chi­tects and En­gi­neers


1470 ha
Moni­teurs de­vel­oped all the floor plans for the out­door sig­nage as well as for the ter­mi­nal. The plans were im­ple­mented both in print and dig­i­tal form.

Directly in front of the terminal is the so-called Airport City, with hotel, car park, office buildings and a visitor centre. The system was supplemented by elements such as backlit displays, road signs and pedestrian signs.

All of the streets were named af­ter im­por­tant peo­ple from avi­a­tion his­tory.
A QR code at­tached to each sign­post al­lows some­body with a smart­phone to learn more about the per­son the street was named af­ter.
The graphic con­cept of the ter­mi­nal is car­ried through seam­lessly to the car parks. They are all in­cor­po­rated into the over­all sig­nage de­sign.
To con­form with the le­gal re­quirements for Ger­man traf­fic signs, coloured bars were used in­stead of full-sur­face colour.