Orange Ocean


Or­ange Ocean wants to raise con­sumer aware­ness of this topic – to make a dif­fer­ence glob­ally. A web­site is the best for­mat to spread mes­sages and thus de­velop a strong in­for­ma­tive and emo­tional im­pact. In­formed con­sumers make the right de­ci­sions and thus bring about changes in the econ­omy and pol­i­tics.

Moni­teurs de­vel­oped the cor­po­rate de­sign and the on­line pres­ence of Or­ange Ocean.

Oran­ge Oce­an


In­ter­face De­sign
De­vel­op­ment Pro­gram­ming

Oran­ge Oce­an e.V.

For the launch of the initiative Orange Ocean initially a version for mobile devices, which is growing successively. The website is built with a WordPress theme that is constantly expanding with editorial content and new areas.

Zur Er­läu­te­rung ver­schie­de­ner Ab­schnit­te auf der Web­sei­te wur­de eine Pik­to­gramm­fa­mi­lie ent­wi­ckelt.

Animierte User-Interface-Elemente harmonieren mit der Schrift und stärken die Identität der Marke Orange Ocean.