
Orientation System

The old power sta­tion in the cen­tre of Berlin is to­day one of the most fa­mous event lo­ca­tions in the city, and also pro­vides of­fice space for large con­fer­ences. These dif­fer­ent uses – by day and by night, for se­ri­ous meet­ings as well as for glam­orous par­ties – is re­flected in the de­sign of the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem. Based on the themes of “elec­tric­ity”, “light” and “cir­cuit boards”, Moni­teurs de­vel­oped a font rem­i­nis­cent of the repet­i­tive con­tours typ­i­cal of neon signs. En­graved on yel­low acrylic plates, the let­ter­ing en­hances the self-light­ing as­pects of the ma­te­r­ial. At the same time, the de­sign is so min­i­mal­ist that it also works in the con­fer­ence rooms of the ew­erk – and un­der­lines the spe­cial at­mos­phere of the in­dus­trial ar­chi­tec­ture.

Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem

Berlin 2010

SPSPM Real Es­tate GmbH

Hans Hein­rich Müller (1928)
HSH Hoyer Schin­dele Hirschmüller
(Re­fur­bish­ment and con­ver­sion of an in­dus­trial mon­u­ment)

13.000 m²
Foto ewerk GmbH
Die Schrift „Diva“ ent­wi­ckel­te Mo­ni­teurs so wei­ter, dass sie eine stär­ke­re Bin­nen­kon­tu­rie­rung be­kam – in An­leh­nung an alte Leucht­re­kla­men, bei de­nen meh­re­re par­al­lel lau­fen­de Ne­on­röh­ren das Licht ver­stär­ken. In mo­der­ner An­mu­tung sind hier nicht alle Kon­tu­ren kom­plett aus­ge­füllt, son­dern be­wusst Lü­cken ge­las­sen.
Der Ent­wurf er­laubt viel­fäl­ti­ge Va­ri­an­ten: So gibt es ne­ben un­be­leuch­te­ten Schil­dern auch sol­che mit LED. Schil­der, die man für be­stimm­te Events in­di­vi­du­ell be­stü­cken kann, er­lau­ben größt­mög­li­che Fle­xi­bi­li­tät.