Landeshauptstadt München

Competition Mobility Stations Munich

Within the frame­work of a pub­licly an­nounced com­pe­ti­tion, Moni­teurs de­vel­oped a de­sign con­cept for mo­bil­ity sta­tions in the Mu­nich area.

A “mo­bil­ity sta­tion” links dif­fer­ent mo­bil­ity of­fers at one lo­ca­tion. The aim is to sup­port mul­ti­modal trans­port be­hav­ior, i.e. to sim­plify the tran­si­tion be­tween dif­fer­ent means of trans­port, to strengthen en­vi­ron­men­tally com­pat­i­ble means of trans­port and to en­able mo­bil­ity with­out a pri­vate car.

Moni­teur’s de­sign con­cept in­cluded cor­po­rate de­sign and brand­ing, as well as prod­uct lines for ste­les and sig­nage for the mo­bil­ity sta­tions. The planned mea­sure is to serve the im­proved vis­i­bil­ity and ac­ces­si­bil­ity of shared mo­bil­ity of­fers.

Mo­bil­ity Sta­tions Mu­nich
Com­pe­ti­tion De­vel­op­ment of a “mo­bil­ity sta­tions” de­sign con­cept


Lan­deshaupt­stadt München

An M-point for Munich. An M for mobility at one point. The logo “Mobilitätspunkt München” (Munich Mobility Point) takes up the M of the logo “München unterwegs” (Munich on the move) and stages a new sub-brand. As an iconic landmark, it sensitises citizens to shared mobility offers in Munich’s urban space.
The pure and concise design is in harmony with the colour blue, with the colours of the MVG and MVV, as well as with the pictograms of “München unterwegs”. The base is designed in the secondary colour turquoise. Product design and materials tie in with the friendly, round design language of the graphic patterns of “München unterwegs”. Modular parameters allow the design of the stele to be extended to include other elements, such as furniture and arrow signposts.